Today on Veterans Day, we would like to take the opportunity to thank all military personnel for the sacrifices they have made for our freedom. Timberline is proud of the many Veterans who work, and have worked, at our firm over the years. We celebrate their selflessness and dedication to our country.
We asked one of our Superintendents, Michael Hansen, Second Lieutenant in the Massachusetts Army National Guard to reflect on what Veterans Day means to him.
“As a current member of the Army, I look to our Veteran’s as our most cherished civilians, neighbors and friends. They are our brothers and sisters in arms that walked before us, and they are the reason we are all here today, enjoying the liberties we often take for granted. Veteran’s Day celebrates all who have dawned a uniform in the name of this country, representing something much bigger then themselves. They understand loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage, the core values of the service. They are a beacon I often look to for guidance as a young officer. Veteran’s Day is a sacred day in which every American should set aside time to reflect on those who sacrificed a normal life in the pursuit of defending our nation and our freedoms.”
Happy Veterans Day to all Veterans. Your service will never be forgotten.